

1. Jun Zhou, Xing-Yi Zhang and You-He Zhou. Influences of cooling height and lateral moving speed on the levitation characteristics of YBaCuO bulks, Physica C,2009,469: 207-210.
2. Jun Zhou, Xing-Yi Zhang and You-He Zhou . The characterizations of levitation force of single-domain YBCO bulk under different field cooling process, Modern Physics Letter B,2009,23(22): 2615-2624.
3. Hua-Dong Yong, You-He Zhou. Elliptical hole in a bulk superconductor under electromagnetic forces, Superconductor Science and Technology, 2009,22: 025018(6pp).
4. Fan CuiYing, Zhao MingHao, Zhou YouHe. Numerical Solution of Polarization Saturation/Dielectric Breakdown Model in 2D Finite Piezoelectric Media, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2009,57: 1527-1544.
5. Fan CuiYing, Zhou YouHe, Wang Han, Zhao MingHao, Singular behaviors of interfacial cracks in 2D magnetoelectroelastic bimaterials, Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 2009,22(3): 232-239.
6. Jun Zeng, You-He Zhou, Hua-Dong Yong. Kim model for stress distribution in a hollow cylindrical superconductor, Physica C, 2009,469:822-826.
7. Zhang Xingyi, Zhou jun, Zhou Youhe. Relaxation properties of magnetic force between magnet and superconductor in an unsymmetrical levitation system, Superconductor Science and Technology, 2009,22 025006
8. Zhang Xingyi, Zhou jun and Zhou Youhe.Influencing factors of levitation drift caused by a magnet, Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, 2009,22: 855-859
9. Gao Zhi-Wen, Zhou You-He. Mode-II Crack Problem for a Long Rectangular Slab of Superconductor under an Electromagnetic Force, China Physics Letter, 2009,26 (2):027403.
10. Zhi Wen Gao, You He Zhou.Fracture behavior for a long center slant cracked rectangular slab of superconductor under electromagnetic force, Modern Physics Letters B, 2009,23 (6):825-834.
11. Wang Deng-Ming, Zhou You-He. Shear Profiles and Velocity Distribution in Dense Shear Granular Flow. Chin.Phys.Lett.2009,26(2): 024501.
12. Dengming Wang, Youhe Zhou. Particle dynamics in dense sheared granular flow. Acta. Mech. Sin., 2009,DOI 10.1007/s10409-009-0322-y.(SCI).
13. Wan-Qing Li, You-He Zhou.Statistical behaviors of different-sized grains lifting off in stochastic collision between mixed sand grains and the bed in aeolian saltation, Journal of Geophysical Research,2007,112: D22106,1-9.
14. Zheng X J, Bo T L, Zhu W. A Scale-Coupled Method for Simulation of the Formation and Evolution of Aeolian Dune Field, International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences & Numerical Simulation, 2009,10(3): 387-395.
15. Zheng X J, Bo, T L, Analysis on the dynamic behaviors of Aeolian sand ripples and sand dunes, Chinese Science Bulletin, 2009,54(11): 31488-1495.
16. Zhang HuYuan, Wang Bao, Dong XingLing, Feng Lei and Fan ZhiMing. Leachability of heavy metals from solidified sludge. Science in China Series E: Technological Sciences, 2009, 52(7):1906-1912.
17. Wu Jianjun, Yan Guanghu. Analysis of the forces acting on the saltating particles in the coupled wind-sand-electricity fields, Science in China Series G:2009, 52(2): 239-247.
18. Feng, S., Huang N. Computational simulations of blown sand fluxes over the surfaces of complex microtopography, Environmental Moddelling & Software,doi:10.1016/j.envsoft.2009,9:002.
19. Xingzhe Wang, xiaojing Zheng. Analyses on Nonlinear Coupling of Magneto-Thermo-Elasticity of A Ferromagnetic Thin Shell II: Finite Element Modeling and Application. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 2009, 22(3): 197-205.
20. Xingzhe Wang, xiaojing Zheng. Analyses on Nonlinear Coupling of Magneto-Thermo-Elasticity of A Ferromagnetic Thin Shell I: Generalized Variational Theoretical Modeling. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 2009, 22(3): 189-196
21. Jiepeng Liu, Xuhong Zhou. Behavior and strength of tubed RC stub columns under axial compression. Journal of Constructional Steel Research.2009, 66(1):28-36.
22. Xu, Lei, Sultana, Papia; Zhou, Xuhong. Flexural strength of cold-formed steel built-up box sections. Thin-Walled Structures.2009,47(6-7):807-815.
23. Zhou, Xuhong. He, Yongjun; Xu, Lei. Experimental study and numerical analyses on seismic behaviors of staggered-truss system under low cyclic loading. Thin-Walled Structures. 2009,47(11): 1343-1353.
24. Zhou, Xuhong, He, Yongjun; Xu, Lei. Formation and stability of a cylindrical ILTDBS reticulated mega-structure braced with single-layer latticed membranous shell substructures. Thin-Walled Structures. 2009,47 (5): 537-546.
25. Zhou, Xuhong, He, Yongjun; Xu, Lei. Stability of a cylindrical ILTDBS reticulated mega-structure with single-layer LICS substructures. Journal of Constructional Steel Research,.2009, 65(1): 159-168.
26. Qinglin Guo, Xudong Wang, Huyuan Zhang, Zuixiong Li, Shanlong Yang. Damage and conservation of the high cliff on the Northern area of Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes, China. Landslides ,2009 ,6:89-100.
27. Yuanwen Gao. Study on magneto–elastic–plastic deformation characteristics of ferromagnetic rectangular plate with simple supports, Acta Mechanica Sinica, 2009,25: 139–147.(SCI, IF:0.939)
28. Yuanwen Gao, Peng Hao. Mechanical properties of monolayer graphene under tensile and compressive loading, Physica E, 2009, 41: 1561–1566. (IF:1.230)
29. Yuanwen Gao, Fang-Ming Lei. Small scale effects on the mechanical behaviors of protein microtubules based on the nonlocal elasticity theory, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 2009, 387: 461-471. (SCI, IF:2.749)
30. Zhi-Bao Dong, Qing-Song Mu.An analysis of drag force and moment for upright porous wind fences, Journal of Geophysical Research, 2008, 113: D04103.( 此篇论文2008年未报)
31. Zhou YY, Chen WQ, Lü CF, Guo YQ. Reverberation-ray matrix analysis of free vibration of piezoelectric laminates. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2009, 326: 821-836. (SCI, EI)
32. Guo Yongqiang, Chen Weiqiu, Zhang Yongliang. Guided wave propagation in multilayered piezoelectric structures. Science in China, Series G: Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy, 2009, 52(7): 1094-1104. (SCI,EI) (中文稿:郭永强, 陈伟球, 张永亮. 层合压电结构中的导波. 中国科学G辑: 物理学 力学 天文学, 2009, 39(7): 1018-1028.)
33. Guo YQ, Chen WQ, Pao YH. Frequency spectra of beam-plates revisited. Ultrasonics, 2009, 49(1): 4-9. (SCI, EI)
34. 宜晨虹,慕青松,苗天德. 重力作用下颗粒介质应力链的离散元模拟. 物理学报. 2009,58(11):7750-7755
1. 周绪红,张小冬,刘界鹏. 钢管约束钢筋混凝土柱与型钢混凝土柱滞回性能试验研究. 建筑结构学报.2009,(增刊1):121—128.
 2. 贺拥军,全勇,周绪红,等. 巨型网格开合屋盖静力与稳定性能研究. 湖南大学学报(自然科学版). 2009, 36(4):24-28.
3. 狄谨,周绪红,游金兰,等. 波纹钢腹板预应力混凝土组合箱梁抗扭性能. 长安大学学报(自然科学版). 2009, 29(3):58-63,76.
4. 周绪红,龚焮,聂少锋,等. 低周反复荷载作用下交错桁架钢结构抗震性能试验研究与分析. 建筑结构学报. 2009, 30(1):133-141.
5. 刘永健,周绪红,刘君平. 主管内填混凝土的矩形钢管X型节点受拉和受弯性能试验研究. 建筑结构学报. 2009, 30(1):82-86,94.
6. 狄谨,周绪红,吕忠达,等. 正交异性钢箱梁U型肋加劲板极限承载力试验. 中国公路学报. 2009, 22(2):59-64.
7. 狄谨,周绪红,孔祥福, 程德林,张茜. 波形钢腹板预应力混凝土组合箱梁试验. 长安大学学报(自然科学版). 2009, 29(5):64-70.
8. 谌文武, 原鹏博,刘小伟. 分级加载条件下红层软岩蠕变特性试验研究岩石力学与工程学报.2009,28(S1):3076-3081
9. 崔凯, 谌文武, 张景科,韩文峰, 梁收运.多元层状边坡土体风蚀速率与微结构参数关系.岩土力学.2009,31(9): 2741-2746,2752
10. 张景科,谌文武,崔凯, 和法国,任非凡, 韩文峰.锚固灌浆过程中及工后交河故城崖体的变形特征研究.岩石力学与工程学报.2009,28(5):1064-1073
11. 张帆宇, 刘高,谌文武, 韩文峰,梁收运. 袁家湾滑坡在切坡开挖过程中的演化机理.岩土工程学报. 2009,31(8):1248-1254
12. 张虎元, 冯蕾, 吴军荣, 王宝, 刘平. 填埋场防渗衬垫等效替代研究. 岩土力学, 2009, 30(9):2759-2762.
13. 刘平, 张虎元, 冯蕾, 吴军荣, 龙玉凤. 用作填埋场替代盖层的水泥黄土工程特性. 四川大学学报(工程科学版), 2009 ,41(5):59-64.
14. 高原文,雷芳明. 吸收剂颗粒界面效应对电磁波吸收性能影响的理论研究. 功能材料. 2009,40(3):372-375.
15. 张虎元, 刘平, 王锦芳, 王旭东. 土建筑遗址表面结皮形成与剥离机制研究. 岩土力学, 2009, 30(7):1883-1891.
16. 王晓东, 张虎元, 吕擎峰, 张艳军, 严耿升. 楠竹加筋复合锚杆管材力学性能试验研究. 岩石力学与工程学报, 2009, 28(S1):2941-2946.
17. 张虎元, 王宝, 董兴玲, 冯蕾, 范志明. 固化污泥中重金属的溶出特性. 中国科学(E辑:技术科学), 2009, 39(6):1167-1173.
18. 王旭东, 张虎元, 郭青林, 吕擎峰. 敦煌莫高窟崖体风化特征及保护对策. 岩石力学与工程学报, 2009, (5):1055-1063.
19. 武建军, 韩天一. 饱和正冻土水-热-力耦合作用的数值研究. 工程力学, 2009,26(4): 246-251.
20. J. J. Wu, and X. H. Shi. Dynamic responses of maglev vehicle in crosswind field, The 9th International Conference of Chinese Transportation Professionals, Harbin, China, 2009.
21. 刘高,李新召,梁昌玉.围岩动态演化与块体稳定性分析. 岩土力学. 2009,30(6):1741-1746
22. 张帆宇,白世彪,刘高.兰临高速公路袁家湾段切坡开挖失稳过程及其机理.工程地质学报,2009,17(1):81-87
23. 周仲华,郑龙,孙博. 土遗址墙体含水量与电阻率关系研究. 岩石力学与工程学报. 2009,28(增2):
24. Shou-yun Liang, Yu Wang, Zhi-qiang Zhou, Yan-ting Yang. Geological Hazard Assessment of Small Towns Based on EAHP. 2009 International Conference on Engineering Management and Service Sciences (EMS 2009). September 20-22, 2009, Beijing, China. ISBN: 978-1-4244-4639-1. doi:  10.1109/ICMSS.2009.5305818, pp.1-4. (EI/ISTP)
25.Shou-yun Liang, Qun-ming Wang, Xiu-mei Zhong, Research of Fractal Dimension Characteristics on Debris Flow Gully & Valley Form: A case study of Longnan segment of national highway 212, China. The 2nd Conference on Power Electronics and Intelligent Transportation System (PEITS 2009). December 19-20, 2009, Shenzhen, China. Engineering Technology Press, Hong Kong. ISBN: 978-1-4244-4543-1. (EI)
26.Shou-yun Liang, Zhang-li Huo, Yang-ning Niu. Assessment of Snow Drifting Hazard along Railway: A Case Study of JYH Railway in Xinjiang, China. Proceedings - 2009 International Conference on Environmental Science and Information Application Technology(ESIAT 2009), vol. 1, July 4-5, 2009, Wuhan, China. IEEE Computer Society, USA, ISBN 978-0-7695-3682-8, doi: 10.1109/ESIAT.2009.107, pp.44-47. (EI) (Accession number: 20094712458589
27.Shou-yun Liang, Xiang-xian Ma. Comprehensive Assessment of Environmental Impact of Large-scale Water Conservancy Project: A case study of Yintao Irrigation Project on Tao River in Gansu, China. The 1st International Conference on Information Science and Engineering (ICISE 2009).  December 18-20, 2009, Nanjing, China. IEEE Computer Society. (EI)
28.Yan Zhixin, Jiang Ping, Duan Jian, Yan Li, Wang Houyu. Study on methods of predicting blasting-induced ground vibration intensity[C]. The 7th International Symposium on Rockburst and Seismicity in Mines. 2009. 8 (EI)
29. Guo Yong-Qiang, Chen Wei-Qiu. Modeling of multilayered acoustic wave devices with the method of reverberation-ray matrix. 2008 Symposium on Piezoelectricity, Acoustic Waves, and Device Applications (SPAWDA 2008), 105-110. (ISTP,EI)
1. 曾军,周又和, 椭圆孔对俘获场超导体应力分布的影响, 兰州大学学报(自然科学版), 2009,45(2):103-107.
2. 黄宁,辜艳丹.粉尘释放和沉积机制的研究进展,地球科学进展. 2009,24(11):1175-1184.
3. 高原文,何月洲,朱林利. 多晶块材热电材料Seebeck系数的晶粒尺寸效应. 科学通报. 2009,54(21):3278-3282.
4. 冯蕾蕾,雷芳明,高原文. 基于Lattice Boltzmann方法的1-3型复合材料热传导特征. 兰州大学学报(自然科学版). 2009,45(3):132-136.
5. 袁炳祥, 谌文武, 梁收运,李金城. 青藏铁路沿线活动断裂带对地质选线的影响.西北地震学报.2009,31(2):121-125
6. 解静, 谌文武,程佳,崔凯.微结构分维与孔隙率及抗压强度的关系.兰州大学学报(自然科学版).2009,45(2):26-30
7. 张景科, 谌文武,和法国, 崔凯, 任非凡, 唐军. 交河故城濒危崖体36区水平位移变化特征.敦煌研究.2009,(3):114-119
8. 张帆宇,白世彪, 刘高, 谌文武,韩文峰.兰临高速公路袁家湾段切坡开挖失稳过程及其机理.工程地质学报.2009,17(1):81-87
9. 侯春梅,刘小伟, 梁收运, 谌文武. 黄土粒度分维在公路自然区划中的应用探讨.中国沙漠.2009,29(5):828-834
10. 武建军, 史筱红. 横向风场作用下磁悬浮车体运动稳定性的数值研究. 兰州大学学报, 2009, 45(2): 96-102.
11. 张豫川,赵伟,靖辉.大厚度湿陷性黄土场地地基处理合理深度.兰州大学学报.2009,45(2)
12. 李朝晖, 张虎元, 赵彦旭. 轮胎条加筋土工程特性. 工程勘察, 2009, (6):19-23.
13. 刘平, 张虎元,王锦芳,严耿升. 表土结皮形成影响因素述评. 干旱区地理, 2009, 32(5):662-668.
1. 周绪红,乔朋,狄谨,等. 杭州湾跨海大桥南通航孔斜拉桥施工监控. 桥梁建设. 2009, 1:63-66.
2.卢林枫,董刘方,周绪红. 冷弯薄壁型钢门式刚架蒙皮效应研究. 四川建筑科学研究.2009,35(4):15-18.
3. 狄谨, 周绪红,乔朋,等. 波纹钢腹板屈曲性能(英文). 交通运输工程学报9(3):12-18.
4. 卢林枫,周绪红, 周天华,等. 水平荷载作用下考虑扭转效应的交错桁架内力和位移计算. 四川建筑科学研究,2009,35(3):1-5.
5. 周绪红,乔朋,狄谨,等. 大跨径简支转连续箱梁桥收缩徐变效应. 交通运输工程学报. 2009, 9(2):39-44.
6. 严耿升,张虎元,赵天宇. 改性黄土内摩擦角变化研究. 粉煤灰, 2009,4:14-17.
7. 崔素丽, 张虎元, 梁健, 刘吉胜. 膨润土-砂的膨胀特性与蒙脱石质量比率. 水文地质工程地质, 2009,4:95-99.
8. 赵天宇, 张虎元,严耿升,张永霞,. 电子天平在蜡封法密度试验中的应用. 工程勘察, 2009,5:6-9.
9. 高根树, 王锦芳, 张虎元, 冯蕾. 城市生活垃圾塑料风选系统. 轻工机械, 2009,     
10. 张虎元, 张艳军, 王旭东, 王晓东, 吕擎峰. 楠竹加筋复合锚杆内粘结剂力学性能试验. 新型建筑材料, 2009,1:35-39.
11. 范志明, 张虎元, 王宝, 冯蕾. 疏浚底泥的园林绿化应用. 安徽农业科学, 2009, 37(3):1089-1091.
12. 王晓东, 张虎元, 吕擎峰, 张艳军. 土层锚杆加固技术发展现状及展望. 西部探矿工程, 2009,3:4-6.
13. 李敏, 柴寿喜, 魏丽. 麦秸秆的力学性能及加筋滨海盐渍土的抗压强度研究. 工程地质学报, 2009, 17(4): 541-545.
14.张帆宇,刘高,谌文武,等.袁家湾滑坡在切坡开挖过程中的演化机理. 岩土工程学报,2009,31(8):1248-1254
15. 刘晓军 武生智  低雷诺数后台阶涡结构的大涡模拟  中国科技论文在线, 2009
16. 赵玉军 冯长英 武生智. 沙波纹风场结构研究  中国科技论文在线, 2009
17. 赵玉军 冯长英 武生智. 不同间距沙波纹流场结构研究  中国科技论文在线, 2009
18. 牛燕宁,梁收运,宋术双,霍张丽. 基于粘塑性算法和Mohr-Coulomb准则的基坑工程三维有限元数值分析. 中国科技论文在线精品论文,2009,2(2):212-217.
19. 张海峰,王向阳,尹亚雄,梁收运. 路堤工程风吹雪灾害分析. 中国科技论文在线(http://www.paper.edu.cn). 2009年03月19日. 综合评价:四星
20. 李晓,梁收运,郭敏,王宇. 决策树在岩体质量分级中的应用研究. 中国科技论文在线(http://www.paper.edu.cn). 2009年07月28日. 综合评价:四星
21. 张海峰,梁收运,迟效国. 藏北羌塘地区玉带山西部埃达克质火山岩成因研究. 西部探矿工程,2009,21(9):139-142。
22. 马向贤,梁收运,梁晓波,王群敏,李晓,王宇. 兰州丹霞地貌成因分析.中国科技论文在线精品论文,2009,2(21):2306-2312.
23. 金德保; 冯立平; 张敬书; 段会静.砖砌体房屋内纵墙开洞对抗震性能的影响.建筑设计管理,2009,26(1):48-55
24. 张敬书,马志敏,莫庸,王尔昌,周丽,段会静. 楼板局部开洞对高层建筑结构整体抗震性能影响的分析. 四川建筑科学研究, 2009,35(02):189-193
25. 张敬书, 段会静, 莫庸, 王尔昌, 周丽, 马志敏. 高层建筑楼板侧边开洞后单边梁、跨层柱的设计. 建筑结构, 2009,39(03):5-10
26. 张敬书, 甘丹, 莫庸, 王尔昌, 段会静. 角部重叠框架结构的抗震分析及超限界定. 西北地震学报, 2009,31(02):157-160
27. 张敬书,周绪红,姜丽娜,汪朝成.理性思考汶川地震中砌体结构的抗震能力.防灾减灾工程学报.2009,29(05):591-595
28. 包太, 言志信, 刘新荣. 有理函数在隧道监测数据回归分析中的应用. 地下空间与工程学报, 2009, 5(5): 1029-1032
1. You-He Zhou,and XiaoJing Zheng,Theoretical models and applications of multi-field-coupling constitutive relaxationships on magneticsstrictive matericals,Applied electromagnetics and Mechanics(eda.Z.Chen.et al.), Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, Xi’an, China, p25.(大会邀请报告)
2. Zhang Xingyi and Zhou Youhe, Numerical simulation of relaxation in the levitation force in a symmetrical magnet-high Tc superconductor system, 2009, the 14th International Symposium on Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, Xi’an, China, p192.
3.周浩淼, 周又和, 郑晓静, 考虑磁力和磁致伸缩效应的软铁磁材料普遍的磁弹性耦合
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