

1.Zheng X J, Bo T L, Xie L, 2008,DPTM simulation of aeolian sand ripple,Science in China Series G, 51(3):328-336.
2.Wang Ping,Zheng Xiaojing,Hu Wenwen,2008,Saltation and suspension of wind-blown particle movement,Science in China Series G,51:1439-1606.
3.Zheng X J, Zhu W, Xie L., 2008,A probability density function of liftoff velocities in mixed-size wind sand flux,Science in China Series G,51(8):976-985.
4. Huang N, Yue G W, Zheng X J.,2008,Numerical simulations of a dust devil and the electric field in it,Journal Of Geophysical Research, 113:D20203. (Impact Factor:2.953)    
5.Zheng X J, Cheng N, Xie L., 2008,A three-dimensional analysis on lift-off velocities of sand grains in wind-blown sand flux,Earth Surface  Processes And Landforms,33(12):1824-1838. (Impact Factor: 1.917)
6.Zhu L L, Zheng X J.,2008,Transverse surface mechanical behavior and modified elastic modulus for charged nanostructures,Europhysics Letters,83:66007(6).(Impact Factor:2.206)
7. Qiao L, Zheng X J., 2008     ,Elastic property of fcc metal nanowires via an atomic-scale analysis.Appled Physics Letters,92:231908.(Impact Factor: 3.596)
8.Zhou,H.M., Zhou,Y.H., and Zheng,X.J.,2008,A general theoretical model of magnetostrictive constitutive relationships for soft ferromagnetic material rods,Journal of Applied Physics,104: 023907.(Impact Factor:2.171)
9. Yong, H.D., and Zhou, Y.H.,2008,Kim model of stress induced by flux pinning in type II superconductors,Journal of Applied Physics,103:113906.(Impact Factor:2.171)  
10. Zhang,X.Y., Zhou, Y.H., and Zhou, J., 2008,Suppression of magnetic force relaxation in a magnet-high Tc superconductor system,IEEE Trans. Applied Superconductivity,18(3):1687-1691. (Impact Factor:1.551)
11. Zhang, X.Y., Zhou, Y.H., and Zhou, J.,2008,Experimental observation of a crossing in the force-displacement hesteretic curves of a melt processed YbaCuO bulk superconductor      ,Physica C,468:369-373.(Impact Factor:1.079)
12. Zhou, Y.H., Zhang, X.Y., and Zhou, J.,2008,Relaxation transition due to different cooling processes in a superconducting levitation system,Journal of Applied Physics,103:123901. (Impact Factor:2.171)
13.Xing-Yi Zhang, You-He Zhou,and Jun Zhou, 2008,Modeling of symmetrical levitation force under different field cooling processes,Physica C,468:401-404. (Impact Factor:1.079)
14. Zhang, X.Y., Zhou, Y.H., and Zhou, J.,2008,Effects of magnetic history on the levitation characteristics in a superconducting levitation system      ,Physica C,468:1013-1016. (Impact Factor:1.079)
15. X-F Zhao,and Y-H Zhou, 2008,Influence of non-uniform   distributions on flux jumps in high-temperature superconductors,European Physical Journal B, 61:391-396. (Impact Factor: 1.356)
16. Gao, Z.W., and Zhou, Y.H., 2008,Fracture behaviors induced by thermal stress in an anisotropic half plane superconductor,Physics Letters A,372:5261-5264. (Impact Factor:1.43)
17. Gao, Z.W., and Zhou, Y.H, 2008,Crack growth for a long rectangular slab of superconducting trapped-field magnets,Superconductor Science and Technology,21:095010. (Impact Factor: 2.547)
18.You-He Zhou,and Jun Zhou,2008, A modified wavelet approximation for multiresolution AWCM in simulating nonlinear vibration of MDOF systems,Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering,197 (Issue 17-18):   1466-1478. (Impact Factor: 1.488)
19. Xing-Yi Zhang, You-He Zhou, and Jun Zhou,2008,Reconsideration of the levitation drift subject to a vibration of a permanent magnet,Modern Physics Letters B, 22(27):2659- 2666.
20. Xing-Yi Zhang, You-He Zhou, and Jun Zhou, 2008, Influence of waiting time on the levitation force between a permanent magnet and a superconductor,Modern Physics Letters B,22 (7):499 – 506.
21. Zhang, D.G., and Zhou, Y.H,2008,A theoretical analysisi of FGM thin plates based on physical neutral surface,Computational Materials Science, 44:716-720.
22.王等明、周又和,2008,颗粒物质局部变形的离散元模拟(Discrete element simulation of localized deformation in stochastic distributed granular materials,)中国科学G缉,Science in China Series G: Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy,38(6): 692-703;51:1403-1415.
23.You-He Zhou and Jun Zhou,2008, A modified wavelet approximation of deflections for solving pdes of beams and square thin plates,Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 44:773 – 783.
24.高志文,周又和,郑晓静,2008,电磁波在沙尘暴中传播的Monte Carlo模拟,中国科学G辑,38(8):955-961.Monte Carlo simulation of the electromagnetic wave propagation in the duststorm,Science in China Series G: Mechanics and Astronomy,51:1-9.
25.H.T.Wang,Y.H.Zhou,Z.B.Dong and M.Ayrault,2008,Vertical dispersion of dust particles in a turbulent boundary layer,Eearth Surface Processes and Landforms,33:1210-1221. (Impact Factor:1.917)
26. Liu, Jiepeng,Zhou, Xuhong(兰州大学),Zhang, Sumei,Seismic behaviour of square CFT beam-columns under biaxial bending moment,Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 64(12):1473-1482 (EI,SCI收录).
27. Huang N., Shi F., and R. Scott Van Pel.,2008,The Effects of Slope and Slope Position on Local and Upstream Fluid Threshold Friction Velocities,Earth Surface Process and Landform,      33:1814–1823. (Impact Factor:1.917)
28. Huang N., Ren Shan, and X.J. Zheng,2008,Effects of the mid-air collision on sand saltation, Science in China Series G,51( 9):1416-1438.
29.WU JianJun,Yan GuangHu,2008,Analysis of the forces acting on the saltating particles in the coupled wind-sand-electricity fields,Science in China Series G,51:239-247.
30.YAN Zhi-Xin,Duan Jian,Wang Hou-yu,2008,Constititive models in stability analysis of rock slope,Jounal of Central South University of Technology,15:302-306. (EI,SCI收录)
31.Liu Zi-zhen,YAN Zhi-xin, Duan Jian,2008, Couple analysis on strength redution theory and rheological mechanism for slope stability,Jounal of Central South University of Technology,15:351-356. ( EI,SCI收录)
32.Yuan Liu,Qing-Song Mu,Tian-De Miao and Jiang-Hai Liao, 2008, Experimental investigation about cyclic oscillations of a binary vibrofluidized granular mixture in N connected compartments,A Letters Journal Exploring the Frontiers of Physics,84:14004.(Impact Factor:2.206)
33.Wang Xingzhe, 2008,The Changes of Natural Frequency of a Ferromagnetic Rod in Magnetic Field Due to Magnetoelastic Interaction,Applied Mathematics and Mechanics,29(8):1023-1032.
34. Wang Xingzhe, Huang X.Y., 2008,A Simple Modeling and Experiment on Dynamic Stability of a Disk Rotating in Air,Int. J. Structural Stability and Dynamics,8(1):41-60. ( EI,SCI收录)
35.Yuanwen  Gao,2008, Numerical analysis on magnetic-elasto-plastic buckling and bending of ferromagnetic rectangular plate, International Journal of Modern Physics B , 22( 31 & 32 ) ,6212–6217
38.贺拥军,周绪红,黄海顺, 2008,超大跨屋面结构风速时程的数值模拟研究,湖南大学学报(自然科学版),35(9):1-5.
40.聂少锋;周天华;周绪红,龚焮,2008,冷弯型钢组合墙体抗侧刚度研究,重庆建筑大学学报, 2:78-82.
42.Zhixin,Yan,Jian,Duan,Ping,Jiang,2008,A study on constitutive model and parameters of rock slope stability,Materials Science Forum,PART 2:575-578.
45.言志信,刘子振,2008,边坡稳定性条分法和容重增加法的耦合分析,重庆建筑大学学报,6: 1006-7329
46.慕青松, 马崇武, 陈晓辉,2008,颗粒状粗糙元对可蚀性地表的保护作用,工程力学,25(3):211-215
48.李龙飞,王省哲,2008,旋转层合圆板的行波动力学特性分析,工程力学, 25(5):102-109.
50.武建军, 闫光虎, 2008,风沙电多场耦合中沙粒跃移运动的受力分析,中国科学 G辑,38(8): 1-11.
53.王省哲, 何宝明, 2008,铁磁形状记忆合金Ni2MnGa多晶的磁-力学特性,功能材料,39(8):1272-1275.
54.梁健, 张虎元, 张永雷, 张磊,2008, 北京市平原区典型地质灾害危险性评估,水文地质工程地质,5:113-115
55.董兴玲, 张虎元, 王锦芳, 王宝, 2008,水泥固化污泥中重金属的浸出危险性研究,环境工程,2:74-76.
56.张虎元, 高全全, 董兴玲, 张满银, 王宝, 2008,酸雨对混凝土的类碳化作用,混凝土, 2:12-14.
57.张满银, 张虎元, 孙志忠, 高全全, 2008,基于PLS的城市水资源承载能力影响因子分析,人民黄河,4:  40-43 .
58.白兰, 周仲华, 张虎元, 杨要许, 郑龙, 2008,污染土的电阻率特征分析,环境工程,2:66-69.
59.张虎元,赵天宇,王旭东, 2008,中国古代土工建筑方法,敦煌研究,5:81-90.   
60.张艳军, 张虎元, 吕擎峰, 王晓东,严耿升, 2008,楠竹加筋复合锚杆应力传递理论模型,水文地质工程地质,5:37-43.
61.郑龙, 周仲华, 张虎元, 孙博, 白兰,2008,土建筑遗址墙体温度变化规律,兰州大学学报(自然科学版),7:58-60.
64. 宜晨虹, 慕青松, 苗天德, 2008,带有点缺陷的二维颗粒系统离散元模拟,物理学报,57(6):3636-05.
65.马崇武, 慕青松, 徐有基, 苗天德,2008,矿区1150 m 中段水平矿柱的屈服破坏过程,岩土工程学报   ,30(3):361-365.    
66.董智宝, 慕青松, 王洪涛,2008,风沙流中风速廓线的数值模拟与实验验证,气象学报,66(2):0158—66.
67. 马崇武,慕青松,马君伟, 王卫平,2008,筒装颗粒介质中桩体的抗拔摩擦力,兰州大学学报(自然科学版),44(1):96-101.
68. 王丽娟, 慕青松, 苗天德,2008,弹性应力集中的孔间耦合作用及其工程应用,兰州大学学报(自然科学版),44(3):123-126.
69. 马崇武, 宜晨虹, 慕青松, 苗天德,2008,采矿引起的构造应力场变动与地表开裂的关系,西安科技大学学报,28(1):36-40.
70.马君伟, 李保雄, 慕青松, 苗天德,2008,马兰黄土黏性的试验研究与模型分析,岩石力学与工程学报,27(增1):3147-3152.
72.刘高,李新召,邓建丽,付清胜, 2008,岩体力学参数变异性及取值方法,西北地震学报,30(1):1-5.   
73.刘高,刘从友, 王有林, 张帆宇, 2008,黄河某水电站顺层岩质滑坡形成机理与演化过程,西北地震学报,32(3):249-254.
74.刘高,王有林, 刘从友, 2008,雾雨对顺层岩质滑坡的作用及敏感性,兰州大学学报(自然科学版),44(4):17-2177.
75.张帆宇, 刘高, 谌文武,梁收运,韩文峰, 2008,基于要素分析和二元统计模型的区域滑坡危险等级制图——以国道212线陇南段为例,地球科学进展,23(10):1037-1042.      
77.张敬书,莫庸,王尔昌, 2008,不规则复杂平面高层结构抗震计算和设计探讨,建筑结构,38(10):36-38.
82.武建军, 周又和,2008,建设培养创新型人才的土木工程专业, 高等理科教育,80(4):21-23.
83.周绪红(长安大学公路学院、兰州大学、湖南大学),乔朋,狄瑾,毛志坚,万海滨, 2008,     杭州湾跨海大桥北通航孔斜拉桥施工控制,公路,8:45-51. 
88.王宝, 张虎元, 董兴玲,高全全, 2008,矿山胶结充填体的硫酸盐侵蚀预防,矿业安全与环,4:14-18. 
90.杨秀梅,梁收运, 2008,基于模糊层次分析法的泥石流危险度评价,地质灾害与环境保护,19(2):73-78.    
91.张景科,谌文武,孙满利,李最雄,王旭东, 2008,现场PS喷洒渗透加固深度与喷洒工艺的对比研究,文物保护与考古科学, 20(3):13-18.
94.李奇峰,梁收运, 2008,圆锥动力触探成果在碎石土勘察中的应用,中国科技论文在线,3(7):542-546.
95.钟秀梅,梁收运,断层泥粒度分布与工程性质的关系研究,中国科技论文在线(http:// www.paper.edu.cn),2008年01月07日,综合评价四星.
96.胡延宇,梁收运,谌文武,层次分析模型在区域滑坡敏感性制图中的应用,中国科技论文在线(http:// www.paper.edu.cn),   2008年03月26日,    综合评价四星.
97.马向贤,梁收运,风雪流灾害数值模拟研究进展,中国科技论文在线(http:// www.paper.edu.cn),     2008年07月29日,    综合评价四星.
98.王廷亮,梁收运,谌文武,铁路风吹雪灾害防治工程研究,中国科技论文在线(http:// www.paper.edu.cn),     2008年10月17日,综合评价四星.
99.牛燕宁,梁收运,宋术双,霍张丽,基于粘塑性算法和Mohr- Coulomb准则的基坑工程三维有限元数值分析,中国科技论文在线(http:// www.paper.edu.cn),2008年11月24日,综合评价四星.
104.任非凡,谌文武,韩文峰,2008, G212线陇南段泥石流发育成因及其时空分布特征分析,岩石力学与工程学报,27(supp1):3237-3243    .
105.马崇武, 慕青松, 马君伟,2008, 花拓碎石桩单桩和多桩荷载传递方式的实验研究,岩石力学与工程学报,27(增1):3116-3121.
107.佟鼎,蒋红,黄宁,2008,非稳态沙波纹流场的数值模拟, 计算机力学学报,25(sup.):29-33.
108.Y.R.Liang,X.J.Zheng,Experimental researches on magneto-thermo-mechanical dynamic performance of terfenold , The Second International Conference on Heterogeneous Material Mechanics (ICHMM-2008), huangshan , 6.3 -8, 2008.1443-1446 .(EI收录)
109.Xingzhe Wang,Longfei Li,Analysis on aeeroelastic dynamics of a  rotating laminated disk with viscoelasttc core layer,the 22nd International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ICTAM2008),Australia ,8.24-30,2008.
110.Xuhong Zhou(兰州大学),Ziwen Jia,Shaofeng Nie, Experimental Study on Vibration Behavior of Cold-Form Steel Concrete Composite Floor, The 4rd International Symposium on Improvement of Structural Safety for Building Structures (ISSBS’08), Harbin ,Oct.10-11,2008, 116—125.
111.Xuhong Zhou(兰州大学), Shaofeng Nie, Ziwen Jia, Numerical Simulation of 3D Steady Atmospheric Flow around High-Rise Buildings Based on Standard CAARC Model,The 4rd International Symposium on Improvement of Structural Safety for Building Structures (ISSBS’08), Harbin,Oct.10—11,2008, 126—134.
112.Linfeng Lu,Xuhong Zhou (兰州大学), Calculation of Staggered Truss under Lateral Loads Considering Torsion,The 4rd International Symposium on Improvement of Structural Safety for Building Structures (ISSBS’08),Harbin,Oct.10—11,2008, 221—227(收入论文集).
113.Hong Zheng, Xuhong Zhou(兰州大学),Parameter STUDY oF Hysteretic Behavior of Steel Deep Beams,The 4rd International Symposium on Improvement of Structural Safety for Building Structures (ISSBS’08),Harbin ,China,Oct.10—11,2008, 256—262.
114.Xu-hong Zhou(兰州大学), Qian Zhang,,Jin Di, Xiang-fu Kong, De-lin Cheng,Experimental Research on Pre-stressed Concrete Composite Box Girders with Corrugated Steel Webs,The 4th International Symposium on Improvement of Structural Safety for Building Structures (ISSBS’08), Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin,China,Oct.10—11,2008, 1—10(大会报告并收入论文集).
115.王省哲,A model of phase transformation kinetics for ferromagnetic shape memory alloys, The Second International Conference on Heterogeneous Material Mechanics (ICHMM-2008),Huangshan,6.3 -8,2008.761.
116.高原文,Magneto-elastic-plastic buchling and bending of ferromagnetic rectangular plate with simple supports, The Second International Conference on Heterogeneous Material Mechanics (ICHMM-2008), Huangshan , 6.3 -8,2008. 382-385. (EI收录)
117.言志信,Analysis and Application of Shear Stress in High Grade Asphalt Pavements in China,ICTTS’2008,905-906.(ISTP)
118.Wang Dengming, Zhou Youhe, and Zheng Xiaojing, Statistics of the contact network in dense granular matter, International Symposium on Discrete Element Methods and Numerical Modeling  of Discontinuum Mechanics, 北京9.24-30,2008. 355-365.
119.郎煜华,梁收运,郑国东, Significance of redox condition to landslide development,10th International Symposium on Landslides and Engineered Slopes,西安,6.30-7.4,2008. Landslides and Engineered Slopes, 1189-1193.
120.梁收运,杨秀梅,Landslide Hazard Assessment Based on GIS: A Case Study of a Hydropower Station Area in China, 2008, Shanghai,12.21-23,2008, IEEE International Workshop on Geosciences and Remote Sensing. IITA GRS and ETT Proceedings, (Volume-1), IEEE CS. 155-158. (EI & ISTP).
121.梁收运,霍张丽, Snow-drift Hazard Assessment Based on GIS, International Workshop on Geosciences and Remote Sensing 2008,Shanghai, 12.21-23, 2008,Proceeding of GRS 2008 and ETT 2008. World Academic Press. 280-285. (ISTP)
122.慕青松,苗天德,刘 源, A Two Dimensional Test of Stone Piles,颗粒物质物理与复杂流体国际学术研讨会,Beijing,9.5-10,2008.   颗粒物质物理与复杂流体,18.
123.张虎元,土质文物盐害的毛细水输盐机制研究,2008古遗址保护国际学术讨论会, 敦煌, 8.23-24,2008.2008古遗址保护国际学术讨论会论文集,118-124.
124.张虎元, 混合型缓冲回填材料配比优化研究,第二届废物地下处置研讨会, 敦煌,2008.第二届废物地下处置研讨会论文集,227-235.
125.张景科, 谌文武, 孙满利, 李最雄,王旭东,2008,不同浓度PS滴渗夯土墙表面渗透直径的分布规律, 第十届全国岩石力学与工程学术大会,山东威海,2008,第十届全国岩石力学与工程学术大会论文集.437-443.
126.赵忠虎,张 茄,李业学,不同种类岩石变形破坏的能量耗散与能量释放分析第十届全国岩石力学与工程学术大会,山东威海,2008,第十届全国岩石力学与工程学术大会论文集.334-339.
127. 刘占科, Experiment on cyclic behavior of enlarged beam flange reinforced connection of steel moment-resisting frames,The 10th International Symposium on Structural Engineering for Young Experts, Changsha,10.19-21,2008. Proceedings of the tenth international symposium on structural engineering for young experts,883-888.