应土木工程与力学学院、西部灾害与环境力学教育部重点实验室邀请,英国南极调查局(British Antarctic Survey)杨昕研究员前来我校学术访问并做学术报告,欢迎广大师生参加。
- 报告题目:A newly identified sea salt aerosol source in polar regions and its climate impact
- 报 告 人:杨昕 研究员
- 报告时间:2023年12月18日(星期一)上午10:30-12:00
- 报告地点:祁连堂322报告厅
- 主 持 人:黄宁 教授
杨昕,英国南极调查局(British Antarctic Survey)研究员,英国气象学会会士(Fellow),国际极地气象学会委员。中科院大气物理所博士,曾任大气物理所副研究员,剑桥大学化学系博士后,英国大气科学中心(NCAS)研究员。主要研究方向是大气化学数值模拟,臭氧和卤素化学以及极地风吹雪和海盐气溶胶生成机制。他是第一个用全球三维化学模式来研究大气对流层溴化学;提出并发现 海冰上的吹雪是大气海盐气溶胶的一个新的自然源,这对极地气候和化学研究有深远影响。
Sea salt aerosols, from the surface of seawater, play a very important role in global climate system, mainly due to their large natural emission sources and their presence as a very efficient cloud condensation nucleation that significantly influences the formation and development of clouds, and therefore has an important impact on the radiation balance of the entire Earth system. However, recent observations have shown that the polar sea ice surface is also a huge source of sea salt aerosols, which is generated by sublimating salty snow particles produced by blowing snow. Due to differences in the formation mechanism, sea salt aerosols from open water and sea salt aerosols from blowing snow have different particle spectral distributions (e.g., in size and number) and emission rates. Observations and simulations show that the sea salt particles produced by windblown snow are smaller and mainly in fine mode (< 200 nm in diameter); their number density is larger than the seawater sea salt density by several orders of magnitude, so their impact on the polar climate will be more significant. However, this natural source has not been considered by current climate models, so its climatic effects are not clear. In this report, I will review the latest research progress in this field and explain the physical mechanism of the production of sea salt aerosols by blowing snow, and then discuss the new issues and opportunities in this field.